Unconditional Love

Not everything can be true, this also applies to programming, but True and False are used to conditionally execute code or to indicate a status. This kind of value is called a boolean often abbreviated as bool. To get a boolean value you can compare things using different boolean operations.


You only want to check if your user has a certain name? We can easily do this!

user = input("Enter your name: ")
print(user == "Vritz")

Using input() you can get an input from the terminal

  • == checks for equality between two values or variables.

Greater/lower than

Let's also check if our user is an adult or not!

age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
adult = age >= 18
teen = age > 12

Using int() we can convert a string to a number

  • > checks if a value is greater than the other value

  • >= checks if a value is greater than or equal to the other value

  • > checks if a value is lower than the other value

  • >= checks if a value is lower than or equal to the other value

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